Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Alexa Page Rank !

Recently, my premature blog, this blog, freeckr.blogspot.com, is rewarded by Alexa : 13,180,932 page rank. It is a number that I must admire that I can not say anything. First, I think I do not like the number 13, but I have to accept it, since it is the give for me for this site. It need a lot of works, a lot of articles, more free for all freeckr. I do hope that the unlucky number will be my lucky number. Need to walk to other site to learn more and more. More SEO, more free, more earn, more get, more freeware, more ebook, more and more. I think I should do more efforts to this site. Since I think this site is my chance to get more exposed. I have to make this blog become more professional, good looking, easy to navigate, informative, and the most of all, monetize.
A little note, actually there are many ways to get rank on the internet for your blog or site. For instance is Alexa. But, Google Page Rank is great too. And I think there are still a lot of those page rank services that you can grab free. Those site do the same : giving rank for your site, among all other site in the world!
But, I do realize that this would not come if I make it by my self. Even I can, it will be a really really hard work to do. So, if one of you guys are likely to share your site for me to be my source, it will be highly appreciated. I will not cheating, I will give some revenue from this site. I'll make credit in here, so people will know that we are a good partnership. So, any ?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ping It !

If you have a blog, or a site, after you update the content, the first thing you think, it would be to let those search engine and or other services to know that. To make those search engine know that there is a new update content, as what I know, it called "ping" those services.
Searching for the definition from Wikipedia, Ping is a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network; it is also used to self test the network interface card of the computer, or as a speed test. It works by sending ICMP “echo request” packets to the target host and listening for ICMP “echo response” replies. Ping measures the round-trip time and records any packet loss, and prints when finished a statistical summary of the echo response packets received, the minimum, mean, max and in some versions the standard deviation of the round trip time. Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping.
Actually, those search engine will try to walk to your site or blog by their own. But, if you ping them, it warn them that your site or blog is already updated. I found a useful site that offer service to ping several sites. Just mentioned : weblogs[dot]com, feedburner[dot]com, my[dot]yahoo[dot]com, technorati[dot]com and else. Just by entering the blog title, blog url, verification code, than press the button you already ping those sites.

This amazing service is served by : http://www.mypagerank.net/service_pingservice_index.
If you like to try it, just follow above link.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Make Your Own Favicon !

As you know, to make your site more attractive to visitors, you can have a great small detail. For example the icon on the left of your site address. For the blogspot, it is came with the "B" icon by default. It is called favicon. I was wondering for is it possible for us to change it? And the answer is yes. We can change it like what we like, and better more, we can make our own icon.
If you like to use an icon made by others, you do it. Many sites offer it. An icon galleries. But after my searching, I found that the site favicon.cc is a great site. You can find other users icon creation that allowed to be downloaded, and also you can make your own there. This site offer the making of icon online. Or, maybe you like to consider using a tool to make your icon. Just go to download [dot] com, and you can find lots of freeware that give you capabilities making an icon. The icon is not just a passive image, but also an animated icon. All is there, waiting for you to choose one that you like. So, start find that you like, and coloured your site with those amazing icon.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Blog Make Money

I was found that this could happen to you. You can get money from your blog. That is awesome, right? Many way to get it. You can put some ads in your article, get an affiliate program, etc. Or maybe you want to try Google Adsense? That is a great target for making money for your blog. It is need a hard way to let the Google put their adsense in your blog. At least, you must have enough traffic to your blog, your blog is interesting to most people. And the better is, all you need is there. All in one blog. That will be a great ideas. I think all in one blog is great. So you don't have to go to other sites. Just stick on it. And all information you looking for is there. So, do you have a blog already ? Want to monetize it? Why not starting right away? Don't get late, or you will be lefted behind. Just see around more information, and you are great.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PDF Unlocker

Of course you already know about pdf file type, right? Yes, this kind of file is another way to protect the document. Better more, this file was able to encript, so people who has no right, can not print or modify it. It is password protected. For a good reason, this is acceptable. But, if you need to translate the pdf document to other, or need to copy and paste some of it for your reference, then it will be a hard thing. But, I found this amazing freeware, that gives you ability to unlock the password of pdf files. This freeware came from Brothersoft.com. With this handy tool, you can use it like any other pdf files.

There are 2 types of PDF password :

Type 1.) A password that restricts some functions. Such as printing, copy & paste. This is the most common type of password set.
Type 2.) A password to open the file for reading the PDF. This kind of password is usually set in PDF’s sent by banks, mutual fund companies etc.

For the further more on how to do please proceed to go to the link : Technofriends.in .

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to Earn Money From Internet ?

Yes, those title above is the most hottest topics ever in the internet world. How to earn money from internet? This internet thing was being so amazingly growth every day. This great resource is a great opportunity to get some profit from it. Lots of people around the world looking for everything. For example, they need to find out news, historical story, jobs, your daily needs, and more. It is all around you. All you need, you can find it just by a few clicks. Therefore this magic blue link is giving a great chance to earn cash from it.
Just look around. There are Google Adsense, Bidvertiser, many affiliates program, and more paid reward program offered by sites (mentioned : paid to surf, paid to clicks, paid to read, paid to search, and more). All try to attract the internet user to continuously visit their site, improve the natural unique traffic, and get more from advertiser.
So, where will you go to start your step in this crowd business?
Just stick your butt on the chair, we'll discover it together.

Monday, June 15, 2009


AlertPay is one of the services used for electronic internet transactions. Selling online with AlertPay has never been easier. Upgrade to a Personal Pro account today to get access to all the Business Tools instantly.

A Personal Pro account offers you access to a number of business tools to help you thrive online. If you are an active seller or an avid online shopper, this is the account choice for you. We offer you all the tools that you simply need to copy and paste on to your website. No complicated programming. You handle your business and AlertPay will handle your payments.

Low receiving fee of 2.5% + $0.25 per transaction
Accept Credit Card payments
Website Payments: Buy Now Buttons, Subscriptions and Instant Payment
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Mass Pay: Send out payments to groups of people

A Business account is tailored to meet all the needs of your online business. If you are managing a business under your business name, this is the account for you. You have access to numerous online business tools to help your business grow online.

Conduct business under your company name

Low transaction fees of 2.5% + 0.25 per transaction*

Accept Credit Card payments

Sub accounts: Manage multiple online businesses with one account

Website Payments: Buy Now Buttons, Subscriptions and Recurring Payments

Business Tools: Integrate AlertPay into 3rd party applications

Mass Pay: Send out payments to groups of people

* Additional fees may be applied for restricted industries.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

freeckr - Free Sharing

This freeckr name was adapted from the flickr. If flickr is photo sharing, than freeckr will be free sharing. This site is dedicated to collect alll great information about free in internet. When I meant free, it will be no cost at all, freeware, free to grab, free to keep.

I hope I can do my best efforts for this project.

See you around.
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