Friday, December 10, 2010

Want To Have This Blogspot Address?

Interesting to have this blogspot address? Why not contacting me?

Here :

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Which of Google Adsense Unit is Performing Better

There are five Google Adsense format. They are : Text Ads, Image Ads, Video Ads, Link Units, and Flash Ads.

Leaderboard - 728x90
Banner - 468x60
Half Banner - 234x60
Button - 125x125
Skyscraper - 120x600
Wide Skyscraper - 160x600
Small Rectangle - 180x150
Vertical Banner - 120x240
Small Square - 200x200
Square - 250x250
Medium Rectangle - 300x250
Large Rectangle - 336x280

Leaderboard - 728x90
Banner - 468x60
Skyscraper - 120x600
Wide Skyscraper - 160x600
Small Square - 200x200
Square - 250x250
Medium Rectangle - 300x250
Large Rectangle - 336x280

Leaderboard - 728x90
Skyscraper - 120x600
Wide Skyscraper - 160x600
Small Square - 200x200
Square - 250x250
Medium Rectangle - 300x250
Large Rectangle - 336x280

120x90 - Displays up to 5 links
120x90_4 - Displays up to 4 links
160x90 - Displays up to 5 links
160x90_4 - Displays up to 4 links
180x90 - Displays up to 5 links
180x90_4 - Displays up to 4 links
200x90 - Displays up to 5 links
200x90_4 - Displays up to 4 links
468x15 - Displays up to 5 links
468x15_4 - Displays up to 4 links
728x15 - Displays up tp 5 links
728x15_4 - Displays up tp 4 links

The question is, which is giving the best result for publishers? Is it with images? Or Text is will be enough?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Simple and Clean Desktop Wallpaper

Desktop wallpaper. When talking about this, we can be sure that this is the massive image that shows when the computer starts. It can be your own photo, your family members, you friends, the nature views, cars, pets, and many more. By the google, I made a quick search, and there are over 34 million for the words desktop wallpaper. But, when you are thinking that you seeing enough, you want a much simpler desktop wallpaper, but you did not want it to be just black?

Then you can try Simple Desktops. It only gives you a really simple and clean desktops. Like the sample image I put above, it is Mini Figure =) by Nathan Plante. Search and find the most interesting for you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

PIMEX MailExpress

I am using this wonderful freeware to send a lot of numbers email. This freeware has a limitations to the number of recipients. It only allow 200 contact email at once sending time. But you can always put another address when it is sent. All you need is to set the connection, set the message, import your contact list, press the send all remaining messages. That you can sit back see the result. If there a failed happen, you can resend the failed. The best part is, this apllication can export the contact into txt or csv, and import from txt and csv too.
You can find the freeware edition of PIMEX MailExpress from your search engine.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Website Outlook

I was surfing for internet, when I saw a gadget on a site. That site is for sale, and they put the estimated amount when the site is sale. The site that estimate the amount is Website Outlook. Then, I try to put this site name, and it comes up like this :
- estimated worth $ 240,9 USD.
It also give you some information, such as :
1. Index data, this inform you about the traffic rank base on Alexa, the number of pagerank from Google, the number of backlinks, and Dmoz categories.
2. Traffic data, give you the information of the time rank for 3 months before, 1 months before, 7 days before and today. Also, inform you from what country is your visitor come.
3. Server info, give detail about your site or blog server. If you using blogspot, then it will be Google.
4. Comments section. It inform you the comment of people who looking for your site address.

So, what will be your site worth for ?
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